Me: Who should I vote for? Barack Obama or John McCain?
Rabbi: Welcome. Please type your question and I will respond shortly.*
Rabbi: How do you know that I am the right person to ask?
Me: Halachically speaking, that is. Politics aside.
Rabbi: The shulchan aruch says nothing about it
Me: Clearly. But based on the knowledge gained from studying the Torah and other sources, which of the two are the "better" choice. Who would Moses vote for? ;D
Rabbi: Moses didn't believe in democracy
Me: That's true. I've once been told by a rabbi that in fact, democracy is incompatible with the Torah to begin with.
Me: So does that mean that frum Jews shouldn't vote? I believe the Pirkei Avot also mention straying from government, correct?
Rabbi: We don't give voting advice here one way or the other
Me: I'm not really asking for advice. Strictly based on the blueprint set forth by halachah of various sources, is it preferable that we disassociate ourselves with government and/or voting, or should we in fact get involved (by voting, supporting candidates etc.)?
Rabbi: We are still connected. As I am currently chatting with 5 people please be patient.*
Rabbi: I have not forgotten about you. We are currently experiencing high volume of traffic, please continue to hold.*
Rabbi: I will not give opinions on this matter
Warning : You have been inactive for 4 minutes. Unless there is a resumption of activity, in one minute you will be automatically disconnected from the AskMoses chat system.*
Me: But I thought you said that Moses opposed (or "didn't believe in") democracy. So that would lead me to believe that we should oppose it too. Right?
Rabbi: I just made a statement it wasn't meant to direct you on your voting
Me: Fine. So forget voting, then. On the issue of democracy: is it true that it is incompatible with the way in which the Torah and other scholars teach us to structure our lives as a community
Me: ?
Rabbi: In some ways yes
Me: How do we reconcile this conflict?
Rabbi: We don't have a choice in the matter
Me: What do you mean? Even Yisroel is ruled as a democracy, and that's supposed to be our homeland. Would it be too far-fetched for frum Jews in Yisroel to demand the abolishment of democracy in the homeland?
Me: Surely we have a choice in THAT matter: Israel.
Rabbi: I really don't want to continue this conversation
Me: I understand it's an uncomfortable topic of discussion, but wouldn't you admit that it's a fair question to be asking? The fact that no one is willing to answer these questions (I've asked other Rebbeim as well) is very unnerving...
Me: Hello?
Me: Alright..... well, shavua tov........... ;-|
* automated/computer response